The Esoteric Science Collective on Clubhouse

The Esoteric Science Collective Clubhouse
3 Members
Updated: Mar 16, 2024


Thread for the space cadets. The Esoteric Science Collective is an initiative to preserve very old, tried and true teachings and meditative disciplines oriented to open up profound depths of cosmic understanding in the student. Collectives like these act to preserve, maintain, coordinate, transform, and redistribute, intelligibly and as best we can, forms of complex “inner”human understanding that, in the modern age, have generally been suppressed, gaslit, and withheld from the public. Typically referred to in terms like “Occultism” “mystery teachings” or “initiation science,” these forms of teachings have existed all throughout history in schools of all civilizations and have lead all its students to the same practical depths of understanding. But these practices are becoming lost. And it’s the responsibility of our age to transform these methods in ourselves to keep these methods alive in a world where “Truth” is becoming evermore obscured.

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