(Black Panthers +Zapatistas)= ZaPanteras on Clubhouse

(Black Panthers +Zapatistas)= ZaPanteras Clubhouse
48 Members
Updated: May 29, 2024


Cash tags: $JLHMilitaryAcademy and $ZaPanteras Black Panthers (Panteras) + Zapatistas = ZaPanteras. We are melanated (What most people know as “Black”, “Brown”, Native/Aboriginal, and Asian) unity, and Revolutionary group focused on fighting capitalism, racism, sexism, colonialism, Imperialism, and (so-called) white supremacy as a whole. Everyone has there own religions, faiths, spiritual systems, or lack there of; so we don’t discuss that at all. We are focused on freedom for the poor, and an end to the theft and rape of Africa, Spanish-speaking/Latin-American countries, and our people in the entire diaspora. We use concrete strategic solutions to achieve our objectives.WE ARE REVOLUTIONARY INTERCOMMUNALIST PERIOD… WE ARE NOT ANY OTHER IDEOLOGY.


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