長照樂活 臺灣公民論壇
認同並遵守規則者請入房: Moderator 保留制定規則與維護秩序的權利。請注意禮貌,互相尊重。嚴禁!非理性發言、散布假消息、談論八卦、倚老賣老、霸佔麥克風、假面、親共、賣台、罵髒話、造謠、分化、挑釁、騷擾…等亂房者勿入!
Accept and follow the following rules while in the chat: Please do not make the following actions:
Talk emotionally, spread fake/uncertified news, hold onto the mic, double sided talks, pro-communist, cussing, fishing, harassing, etc.
Be polite, respect others!: Moderator shall have the rights to set the rules and make necessary acts to obtain the order.