Revolution Ascension on Clubhouse

Revolution Ascension Clubhouse
60 Members
Updated: Jul 7, 2024


Revolution Ascension clubhouse provides two weekly segments; “Divine Prosperous Living & “Wisdom Wednesdays” both part of “The Lulu Experience”. These are sacred safe places for women to be authentic, empowered, elevated, and transformed through powerful storytelling and sharing strategies for victorious comebacks from a women’s setbacks. This clubhouse provides a comfortable yet radical and revolutionary way of helping women recognize their genius and live their greatest prosperous life from a God Centered Divine perspective. Our goal is that Women feel empowered to flourish in their limitless greatness; for a life filled with ease and grace, centered around freedom, abundance, wisdom, and, most importantly, the whisperings of their inner hearts.
Honesty: Honesty & truth is not rude.
Respect: Have respect for all.
Safe Sacred Space: There is no condemnation in this space.

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