TAMIL TRIBE on Clubhouse

69 Members
Updated: Apr 21, 2024


This is a group for all Tamil speaking people and all friends of Tamil...

To be added as a Member, you need to have:

* Profile Picture
* Actual Name
* Proper Bio
* Linked Social Media

** Please nominate your friends and/or have your friends nominate you to this club. **

If you'd like to start a room about a specific topic, please schedule one. If not, feel free to open a casual room whenever you're interested!

If you find that anyone is making a room toxic, please report and block these individuals to prevent future occurrences. As a community, we all need to help regulate our rooms to ensure quality content.
Be nice & kind: This a safe space for people to interact with each other and get to know other members of the community across the world. If the admins get negative reports about you then you will be removed.
Profile picture, bio, Display name + Social media: Please add a profile picture, something about yourself, real name for display name& link social media. So we can put a person behind the voice. This platform works off of trust. It's also CH etiquette
Tamil Tribe room creation: Have a room title related to the topic. If you don't, the admins will end it.


Be nice & kind

This a safe space for people to interact with each other and get to know other members of the community across the world. If the admins get negative reports about you then you will be removed.

Profile picture, bio, Display name + Social media

Please add a profile picture, something about yourself, real name for display name& link social media. So we can put a person behind the voice. This platform works off of trust. It's also CH etiquette

Tamil Tribe room creation

Have a room title related to the topic. If you don't, the admins will end it.


Some Club Members

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