The Alan Watts club on Clubhouse

The Alan Watts club Clubhouse
111 Members
Updated: Mar 24, 2024


Listen to and discuss the teachings and wisdom of Alan Watts, a self-described “spiritual entertainer” who’s best known for presenting eastern philosophies and ideas to a western audience. He uses Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and Zen ideas to communicate important concepts about life, our minds, the world we live in, and how we interact with it. Feel free to ask questions and engage, but when the conversation dies down we will be listening to Alan Watts recordings.
Listen and engage respectfully : If you disagree with someone, arrack their ideas, not their personhood. No personal insults. This is a place for ideas and personal growth and learning.
Don’t take it personally: If you subscribe to an idea that gets held up for scrutiny here, please understand that we are not attacking you personally, and recognize this as an opportunity for growth.and learning
No preaching: This is not a place to spread religious ideology, or to try to convert people to any particular religion (including the ones we discuss)


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